These awesome scrambled eggs have bacon, cheese and onion in. Wow! My whole dish tastes like bacon plus goodness! Also, for the record, when I cook these,...
Tofu scramble is one of my favorite breakfast items with a little toast and some fresh berries. You can add other vegetables to the tofu, but mushrooms...
These light and fluffy scrambled eggs are a snap to put together for a big crowd. I usually make 2 pans for our Christmas Brunch, and I never have much...
I've been tweaking my recipe for a while now and I've finally found the best scrambled eggs ever! My friends and family love it, and I make it almost once...
Sour cream makes these eggs rich and creamy and the basil adds a little kick of flavor. Sometimes I use pepperjack cheese and a little garlic and onion...
In my family, I'm (Ian) called the 'Eggs Extraordinaire', and Molly and I take turns topping each others egg concoctions. This is by far the best. We've...
Creamy scrambled eggs with chives and goat cheese create an earthy flavor that will bring you to the farm. A dash of sriracha is your bus ticket home if...
I tried this delicious concoction one night as I was rushing to throw some dinner together and needed to use what was left in the fridge. The key to this...
Matzo scrambled into eggs, also known as fried matzo. Delicious when made with the right seasonings, and 100% kosher for Passover! This is the first recipe...
It is a great next day, leftover user breakfast that is hearty and fast! My brother came up with this recipe and it has become a breakfast mainstay when...
The Nepalese version of scrambled eggs: fried red onions, exotic spices and fresh coriander combined with fluffy scrambled eggs. Served on toast these...
This garden scramble of eggs in a bed of vegetables is well seasoned and doused with flavorful cheese, Italian-style. It goes well with a warm, toasted...
This protein power-packed breakfast is fairly easy to prepare and great for anyone on a healthy-eating, high-protein low-carb diet. You can sub just about...
This is a dish my mother used to make when I was a kid. It's great and when I made this for my ex-wife, she fell in love with it... and it's requested...
This is delicious brunch fare for anyone looking for something a little different! You can use it for breakfast too; however, I recommend it for brunch...
It's difficult to find a good breakfast diner along East Coast Alaska, so the locals share an easy little chocolate egg recipe to spice up your morning!...
These awesome scrambled eggs have bacon, cheese and onion in. Wow! My whole dish tastes like bacon plus goodness! Also, for the record, when I cook these,...
A recipe inspired from a local brunch restaurant. The BoursinĀ® cheese gives the omelet an incredible creaminess. A great brunch/breakfast dish. I prefer...
My mother created this delicious recipe, using eggs and bacon as the main topping. It has been a family favorite for many years, especially with the children,...
I recently was given some stalks of green garlic. I had no idea what to do with them, so I started looking for recipes and found this delicious egg recipe....
Say goodbye to the days when you had to decide whether to make scrambled eggs or an omelet, since with this exciting breakthrough in the latest breakfast...